Core Lab is about people and their patterns.


Although we may behave differently at work, at home, with friends or with loved ones, the underlying patterns for our behaviour are the same.

At Core Lab, we look at common behavioural patterns that people exhibit in various areas of their lives in order to help them lead a life aligned to their purpose, values and desired impact.

We aim to offer different perspectives and help clients to see themselves and their lives from a more empowering lens. 


Through skilful, powerful questions and a non-judgemental presence, we create opportunities which enable the space for our clients to think. These questions are structured on the GROW model of coaching, a tried and tested coaching framework that has provided excellent results globally. 

Understand the patterns that drive your emotions, thoughts and behaviour in your personal and business life.


The Core Lab services are not considered to be therapy. Therapy is based on overcoming obstacles due to a mental health disorder, such as anxiety or depression. Therapy is often focused on dealing with issues and challenges from our past and how these impact one’s current mental health. Coaching, on the other hand, focuses on the present reality and the future, identifying and leveraging strengths and opportunities for growth.